My alter ego is TwiCharmed and I am addcited to Twilight FanFiction.
In real life I am married to my high school sweetheart and a SAHM to our two beautiful girls ages 2 and 4.
I first read the Twilight series after seeing the movie. I loved the books and waited patiently for the New Moon movie to arrive. About a month before that movie, I started searching for Twilight news all over the web. One day I ran across the Twitarded site and found that there were other 'older' twilight fans. From that site I found out about fanfiction and the rest is history.
I read fanfiction every single day. I'm addicted and I usually have to force myself away from the computer to fulfill my family duties. I just started writing my first story but I don't consider myself an author. I am a reader first and foremost. I have found that writing is much more difficult than I ever thought it was and I have an even greater appreciation for all the writers out there.